Not Here Long

Approximate Milepost:  1491

Many years ago, I knew a child who gazed out the windows of an old Chevy Suburban at the passing landscapes of the West, straining to see tracks and trains.  Big bridges and trestles, old brick buildings, little towns, and massive coal drags heading east with Cascade Green monsters pulling at them.

Then I knew a young man, and a different Suburban.  He pointed it west, slept in its back in parks beside the Missouri River in Montana, and traversed the old trails of Hiawathas.  There were the abandoned brick buildings, high bridges, little towns forgotten.  A gravel path that extended across the Big Sky country, grain elevators standing in fields, and moments that were a gift.

One day there were no more Suburbans, no more mountains crossed, and a lot of memories.  Then I knew a man who wasn't so young anymore.  

So I close my eyes and think about this and I know that we're not here very long.


Jim Davis said…
Excellent photos! I just completed a drive across Montana and visited several towns where the Milwaukee used to pass through. Have a question about surviving substations. Loweth, Gold Creek, Ravenna, and Primrose are still standing as of July of this year. Do you know if Francis (#3) and Eusis (#4) are still standing? Thanks.

Jim Davis
Jim Davis said…
That should be "Eustis", not Eusis, forgot to proof read.....
Anonymous said…
Hi Jim - Francis is gone (you can see foundations on google maps as I recall), same for Eustis unless someone chimes in here with a correction. -Leland
Jim Davis said…
Leland, thanks for the update, I did look at Google Earth and since there is no street view at their remote locations it is hard to tell for sure. And FYI, Gold Creek is still in really good condition, it is on private property and the owners appear to be using it for storage and maintaining it. Regards, Jim

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