Under a Watchful Gaze
The BNSF still maintains a presence here along these old Milwaukee Lines. Now that the paint on their locomotives has adopted an orange and black motif, perhaps one could say that not much has really changed. Compared to other parts of the western extension, I suppose that not much has: the rail is still in place here, and the sounds of freight trains can be heard echoing across the corn fields as they roam the small north-south line.
On a beautiful summer day like the one pictured, the watchful gaze of Mt. Rainier watches over the cornfields and old Milwaukee rails. All along the Western Extension, it is the elements that exist beyond the Milwaukee that remain truly constant and seemingly unchanging. Where rails have been pulled, towns have vanished. In many places there remains very little evidence that the railroad was ever there. In many places there is even less evidence of the people who lived along side it. Nonetheless, constants like Mt. Rainier continue to dominate breathtaking scenery with which the Milwaukee shared space. Some have argued that the Milwaukee Road traversed the most beautiful scenery on the continent. Even off the mainlines and away from the haunts of the old electrics, scenes like this seem to bear this out.
Scenery visualized in the brochure was not always precisely as one would find it riding on the train; more of an enticing approximation.
Imagine the look of the disillusioned pilgrim when the Conductor said, “Oh, there she is! Mt. Rainier! Oh, I would imagine that’s a good 60 miles south of here.
“Getting off in Seattle? Or Tacoma?”