Sweeping Curves and Great Expanse
Milepost: 1535.7 Finlin, MT Heading west from Butte we parallel the Butte Anaconda and Pacific and then keep pushing further west as it drops away behind us. Looking back, the Rockies are seen as a compilation of layers forming the horizon line. The varying shades of darkness give depth and great expanse to the scene from the old right of way near Finlin, MT. We are nearly 1540 miles form Chicago's Union Station, have crossed multiple mountain ranges and found ourselves in the shadows of old stations and substations both large and small. In these fields near Finlin, the old telegraphy and AC power lines seemingly fortify the old transcon on either side. Look carefully in the distance of these two photos and you can see them sweep slowly away in broad curves as they fade in the distance. The photo above looks south on this small stretch of north-south running, the photo below looks north. It is only a small stretch of north-south main...