Across the Great Divide
The Rockies have loomed on the horizon for the Milwaukee Road for miles and miles. Glimpses of them could be seen coming and going even as the mainline approached the Missouri heading for Three Forks. At Three Forks, helpers were added for a looming battle, but even then, miles would pass before Vendome and the sweeping curve that seemed to formally announce the strain to come. Now, after churning through the engineering feats of a different time, the transcontinental pushes to the top at Pipestone Pass, more than 1500 miles form Chicago (1505.4 by Milepost). Above, the remnants of an old trolley pole stands as a watchful sentry on the western approach. Its guy wire still holds faithfully, resisting a missing and long vanished catenary pull force. This is the final approach to the tunnel, the peak of the Rockies, and the Continental Divide. Elevation: 6348ft. Tunnel length: 2290ft. Peaking out of the trees on the ea...