Decades in the Making
The year is 2005 and a hot summer's day finds the photographer with Velvia slide film and an old Pentax camera pointed Railroad East. The blues and greens that are captured by Fuji's high saturation film disguise the 100 degree temperatures and hot breeze that reside in this western mountain valley. To the left and right, the old Northern Pacific mainline to Northwest Coast enters and exits frame. In 2005 the NP is home to the Montana Rail Link and its unique fleet of sd45s , a few remaining semaphore signals, and (as always) a close proximity to America's Resourceful Railroad. This is Huson, MT. Huson was located at milepost 1662.2 on the Milwaukee Road - just over 1660 miles from Chicago's Union Station. The Milwaukee's mainline to the West Coast lies directly ahead of the camera and under foot in this 2005 photograph. The feeder lines to the Milwaukee's network of substations and overhead DC power still mark the old right of way's northern ...